Take a look at how to manage data across your organisation, what different CRM systems are available & how to choose the right one for you.In this workshop session we will spend time looking at what a Customer Relationship Management System (CRM) is, what they can do and how they can really change the way you work.
Whether you are working on sales leads, online fundraising, e-Commerce sales or measuring social impact, a CRM can help bring your data into one place and transform the way you work. The challenge is that data can be disparate, your processes may be specific or there are so many CRMs out there you just don’t know which way to turn. Our aim in this workshop is to look at how you can make the most of your data, and choose the best CRM for you.
We'll go through the various features common to most CRM systems and spend time looking at what you need to think about before taking the step to adoption. We will also give a short introduction to a range of the solutions on the market to help you understand where to go next.
Taking on a CRM if you don't already have one can be a huge undertaking - join us for this introductory session that will help you work out what steps you need to take next. By registering with our programme you would then also be in the position to access one-to-one support you through that process.
Your facilitator Adam Hill has worked in digital for over 25 years and has supported CRM implementation across a range of sectors and for businesses and organisations of all sizes. His no-jargon approach will make this an easy to follow and interactive session with plenty of time to ask questions as you progress.
General Information
Refreshments and pastries will be available.
Zoom link available upon request.
If you have any questions, or have any accessibility requirements, please get in touch with our Digital Pathfinders team: 0191 716 5085 / hello@digitalpathfinders.uk
This event is part of the Digital Pathfinders programme and funded by the North of Tyne Combined Authority which means only organisations and businesses from Newcastle, Northumberland or North Tyneside are able to attend.