A woman and a man sitting and having a discussion about technology

Choosing the Right CRM for Your Business (NECC Members Event)

Register here

Please note: this event is a North East Chamber of Commerce event for North East Chamber of Commerce Members only.

In this session, we will explore "how to choose the right CRM" which will be delivered by Adam Hill (Director of Operations at Sunderland Software City) we will explore content, such as:

  • Identifying your needs
  • Identifying ‘must have’ features and who will be using the system within your organisation?
  • Planning your budget & avoiding hidden costs
  • Ensuring integration/interactivity with your current digital suite

Timing and programme:

0930 Registration, coffee and networking

0945 Welcome, introductions & expectations

0950 Workshop

1245 Wrap up and close

Important Information

Interested organisations should register via the Eventbrite page. Your contact details will be shared with Sunderland Software City, who will be delivering the sessions.

As such, a representative of Sunderland Software City will contact you ahead of the event to complete the Digital Pathfinders registration process, which will take an additional 5mins to 10mins after the completion of this Eventbrite page.

This event is part of the Digital Pathfinders programme and funded by the North of Tyne Combined Authority.

Only organisations and businesses from Newcastle, Northumberland or North Tyneside are eligible to attend.

Dress code: We don’t stipulate a dress code at our events, but we’d recommend you dress like you’re going to meet new clients. The most important thing is that you're comfortable.

Behaviour & Conduct: Our events create an inclusive space for individuals and organisations to meet where we expect all our attendees to behave with courtesy and respect, to both each other and Chamber colleagues.

Please note: this event is a North East Chamber of Commerce event for North East Chamber of Commerce Members only.

Register for this event